Liner & Agency
A team who actively embraces technology to deliver structured supply chain and logistics solutions.
Improving productivity and maximising functionality with CargoWise.
Project Background
This Liner Agency Agreement is complex in nature. For operational success, the management team must effectively control all the commercial components of the Liner’s business within the supply chain.
The company structure includes: 2 Joint Ventures, 3 Liners that control multiple brands, trade lanes, vessels and a container fleet, and also 5 agencies participating in Shipping, Forwarding, Container Freight Station, Transport and Warehousing.
Managing the financial compliance risks with associated branding and group company structure well is an integral part of the process.
We were engaged to analyse their systems, processes and use of technology to propose a solution that was in line with their business goals.
Project goals
Improving the Operational Accounting to Customer Service Teams at the commencement of each new Vessel Voyage.
Producing financial statements where revenue and costs are reported as operating income and expenses within the respective controlling Liner entities.
Ensuring the disbursed revenue and costs don’t affect gross operating profit and loss in the Agencies, whilst controlling sub-ledgers on behalf of Liners.
Achieving dynamic financial results without employing manual accounting practices to reconcile intercompany accounts.
How we helped their team
Step 1
We prototyped a company structure that makes use of a shared database using CargoWise as a single platform solution.
Step 2
We configured the Global Rates and Accounting modules in CargoWise to achieve optimal automation through data defaulting and workflows.
Step 3
We standardised their internal processes and created ways for the management team to have high quality data available.
Step 4
We helped revolutionise collaboration, interaction and creativity between their team and customers.
Step 5
We discovered new ways for the business to realise their return on investment.
Step 6
We better equipped the organisation with solutions that can evolve to meet their needs and encourages innovative adoption of technology.
Project Outcomes
100% Automated Invoicing of bills of lading and invoicing complete within 48 hours from vessel departure per port of call.
Real time data
Consolidated and real-time voyage results and Principal & Agency reconciliations complete 48 hours before vessel arrival at port of call.